When my daughter Alysha was diagnosed with GBM in 2015, it was devastating. But Alysha made the decision to make waves. She began by assembling one of the largest fundraising teams ever seen for Walk4BrainCancer Melbourne. In her first rally in 2016, 200 people walked with her on her first anniversary of her diagnosis. She walked under the slogan "GOAWAYEGLADYS". Gladys was the nickname she gave to her deadly tumour. In February 2019, three and a half years after being diagnosed with glioblastoma, Alysha at 26 years young got her angel wings.
Life cut short
Alysha was young and beautiful, and she tried so hard to raise awareness of this dreadful disease. I am carrying forward her legacy to support the Foundation and Lance who is going outside of his comfort zone to raise awareness and bring us together to fight for this terrible disease. I believe more awareness about brain cancer and the devastating effect that it has, not only on the patient, but also on family and friends is the key, as most people have no idea what brain cancer is, let alone the effects that it will have until they're touched by its ugly hand.
We knew nothing about brain cancer when Alysha was diagnosed in 2015, and to be told at age 23 that she had GBM grade 4 without any knowledge, prior knowledge, or understanding of what this meant, and then to find out that it basically meant her life was going to be cut short. One can't describe the impact it has on you, especially as a mother of an only child.
Trek to bring awareness
Lance’s trek to the South Pole will highlight to the world that brain cancer needs attention, and it needs attention now for the patients and families and friends who are fighting a battle. Lance, thank you for taking the trip to the South Pole. I believe it will highlight the urgent attention and collaboration that is needed worldwide in every corner of this earth to fund research and collaborate for a better treatment and ultimately a cure to this devastating disease.